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Covid-19 - Visiting in person 

Please complete this form before your first visit to our Studios after re-opening.

Please enter the time and date of your class, 121 session or treatment:

Enter time slot

Please enter your home address:



If you have any of the following symptoms or are feeling unwell, please to DO NOT come to class:

  • fever; 

  • a new and continuous cough; 

  • loss of taste or smell


If a member of your household has any of the above symptoms and is waiting for a test, please self-isolate and DO NOT attend class until the results are known. 


Please also refrain from coming to class if you have of the following symptoms and these are new and unexplained:

  • shortness of breath;

  • fatigue;

  • loss of appetite;

  • muscle aches and pains;

  • sore throat;

  • headache;

  • nasal congestion;

  • diarrhoea;

  • nausea and vomiting. 

  • If you have knowingly been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days, please do not attend class until 14 days from that contact have elapsed. 


Further advice is available from the NHS Coronavirus Service visit or call 111 for advice. 

You and Covid-19

1. Have you had, or suspect you have had, Covid-19 Coronavirus
Was this diagnosed by means of a positive test result?
2. Have you attended the Emergency Department or been admitted to hospital due to Covid-19 symptoms?
If 'Yes', has your doctor given you permission to exercise?
3. Are you still experiencing symptions post Covid-19?

More about you

4. Are you an NHS front line worker?
5. Are you a carer in a care home?
6. Are you considered to be at extra risk (i.e. clinically vulnerable)?
7. Do you have a family member who is vulnerable or extremely vulnerable?
8. Are you pregnant?
9. Are you allergic to specific cleaning products?

Your signature

I give consent for my contact details to be given to NHS Track and Trace, should this be required.
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