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Health Hub | Brain & Body Stress Management

The brain system - brain-fog, overwhelm and overload....

The brain system - brain-fog, overwhelm and overload....

When the brain is out of balance, decision making and clarity of thinking can be compromised. You might experience brain-fog or meno-brain (yes peri and menopause related) when you can't remember the word you want! A simple technique to help the brain is to keep hydrated. e.g. Drink Water! But the brain is also our 'creative hub'. It processes 11 million bits of data - pieces of internal and external information - every second. So what we see, touch, feel, and it also draws on our past experiences in order to interpret the world around us and provide solutions. Overwhelm and overload happens when the body is having difficulty processing all of the information "there's just 'too much' to process right now" it yells and then there is a reaction: Flight, Fright, Freeze or Fawn. What is fawn? Well this is where you go with it. You can't stop. You keep going and going looking for an escape route. It's a coping mechanism (like Fight, Freeze or Flee) which is great, whilst it serves you, but what about when it stops? What happens when the strategy to work harder and harder, faster and faster, for longer and longer, too keeping going and going, results not in achieving the goal, but in overly stressing your nervous system to breaking point? What other coping strategy could you employ to serve you now? What do you need to give your brain the opportunity to be 'creative' and find a more resourceful coping strategy? As part of the Kinesiology training or 121 sessions, we look at the mindset as part of the whole integrated health picture and can work with your body and brain to recognise the early warning signs of overload and to take action. You can find out more on my course - or in a 121 session #wellbeing #oktobeme #brainfog #mindsetmatters #headachebrainfog #bekindtoyourmind #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #overwhelm #overwhelmed #overloaded #brainfogfix #brainfogbegone #bodyhealthdetective #selfcarehealthcare #healtheducation #mindmusclebodyconnections #functionalkinesiology #functionalkinesiologcourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #functionalkinesiologypractitioner #kinesiologycourse #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealing #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton #learning #learnsomethingnew #health
Kinesiology and your Mindset - 4U Pilates & Wellbeing's Zoisa Holder

Kinesiology and your Mindset - 4U Pilates & Wellbeing's Zoisa Holder

I'm here in the gorgeous, beautiful surroundings of the Park Centre in Wycombe with Tracy Cleeve and Crystal Farmer, where we're doing a Foundation Kinesiology weekend course. So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about mindset and Kinesiology, and how it can help as well as how we're different - in terms of the way that we work. What I really love about Kinesiology is the fact that, even though you might want to look at mindset, we're actually really taking into account everything that's going on for you - structurally, emotionally, electrically and also biochemically. One of the things that Kinesiology does, is it incorporates ideas and techniques from the chiropractic world – where you look at the health of the body structurally, so are the bones are in line? If not, adjust the bones, so they’re in line - But then it builds on the body and health. So, for example, when the bones are in line, then the fluids can flow. The blood can flow. The lymphatic system can work effectively and we have good health in “functional kinesiology”. Mindset and your thoughts In the foundation course, we teach attendees to look at good health as being all 4 aspects of you - emotional, structural, biochemical, and electrical. How you talk to yourself, and therefore your emotions, can be impacted by all of these different realms. Through Kinesiology, we are looking at how can we help you on all of those levels to be able to change the environment both within and around you. So that then when you are more balanced and the energy is flowing, your mindset can be calmer and clearer. To find out more about Kinesiology and whether it is right for you, you can book a free 15 minute consultation with Zoisa. Or if you're ready to take the first step you can book your assessment at #touchforhealth #touchforhealthkinesiology #selfcarehealthcare #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #complementaryhealthcare #healtheducation #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree
The brain system and our skin - signs of system overwhelm

The brain system and our skin - signs of system overwhelm

You are probably thinking brain and skin!! WHAT IS the connection there? You may [or may not] be aware that when we sleep, the brain uses this time to file, filter and store new information, but most importantly clear out any toxic waste. A team of US researchers completing a sleep study identified that when asleep, our cells actually shrink, opening gaps between neurons and allowing fluid to wash the brain clean! But what if you’re not giving it the opportunity to do that? What if you aren't getting enough sleep? What happens to the excess toxicity in the system? There are a number of ways that this can be seen in our skin - for example, dark circles underneath the eyes; dry, more dehydrated skin; or blemishes/spots appearing. But if you aren't getting enough rest and relaxation, you will also notice that as the brain becomes overwhelmed or overloaded, it's ability to process all the information coming through and react is slower. You are more likely to trip, fall, hit, bang or generally injure yourself, resulting in bruises, cuts and wounds that with extended stress on the body systems will take longer to heal. Find out more in my short video..... #skinsigns #detox #sleepdetox #whatisyourbodytellingyou #whatyourbodyissaying #healthyskin #overwhelm #emotionalmatters #emotionalhealth #noticeyourbodycues #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
How kind is your self talk? And why that impacts your health

How kind is your self talk? And why that impacts your health

Health and Self talk - what is the connection? Your thoughts, your words, what you say to yourself, how you see yourself, how you perceive yourself, your actions towards yourself - all have an impact on your health and wellbeing. It was brought to my attention recently, when I was coaching some students, that the word "JUST" kept coming up as a way to be critical of ourselves. These are stories or phrases that we all sometimes use about ourselves. We might say - 😭"I just need to get it done", 😤"I just need to eat the right thing", 😡"I just need to make myself do..." 🫣"I just need to be stronger.." 😖 "I just need to....." ...and it's not actually a nice or kind way to respond to yourself. And so, my curiosity is what is underneath the word "JUST". Why are we am I (or we) putting that much pressure on myself/ourselves? So, next time you get cross with yourself and say "I JUST need to..." I invite you to consider; What would it be like to take a step back and look at the situation from a different point of view? Take this opportunity to notice: 😥How are you talking to yourself? 🗣Would you talk to other people like that? 🤏How harsh or unforgiving are you on yourself? Once you have noticed this, I also invite you to consider: ⏰Do I have the resources to get that task done now? To change that behaviour? Or do I need a helping hand? 🫶Do I need support or more information from another party to be successful? 🤯Are any of my body systems in overwhelm and if so, is expecting myself to "JUST" do [it] realistic? Or could I do it in five minutes, maybe in 10 minutes and give myself a moment to catch up? 🤔Can I be okay with the fact that I didn't respond immediately to the text/email? That I choose to get out of bed later and prioritise my health? 👌Can I be OK if "I JUST didn't make the right choice"? This is all part of a learning curve to be kinder and more gentle to yourself. Changing the way we talk to ourselves can make a huge difference to our health and wellbeing. We need to change the habit of talking harshly to ourselves, and that is not always easy. Some people may able to put into place a change of habit really quickly and really effectively, for others it may take a little bit longer. Be kind to yourself if you don't immediately succeed in changing your self talk - but it's important to make the change. If you need help achieving change whether that's to your health, habits or life changes, take a look at my 121 coaching #selftalkmatters #selftalkispowerful #selftalk #bekindtoyourself #whatisyourbodytellingyou #whatyourbodyissaying #overwhelm #anxiety #emotionalmatters #emotionalhealth #noticeyourbodycues #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton