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Health Hub | Skin Conditions

Skin condition causes - why do you get dry or inflammatory skin?

Skin condition causes - why do you get dry or inflammatory skin?

To make sure we have healthy skin, it’s really important that we have healthy blood sugar levels. If they are balanced then our system is easily able to sort the fluids in to “nutritious” or “clear out”. What is happening when you have dry or inflammatory skin? Everything you put onto your skin and into your body has a biochemical and hormone reaction. When your skin is inflamed, it is usually because your body is trying to get something out – some hormone reaction in the blood that it’s trying to get it out of the system. As a Kinesiologist, when a client comes to me with skin issues, the first thing I check in the health is the food strategies - what you are putting on to and into the body. If you’re eating really well and have hardly any food intolerances, then my next consideration is the stressors in your environment – are you out in the sun, are you in an air-conditioned office, your work responsibilities, emotions, people in your life and the impact on your environment. It could even be the type of workout you are doing. Perhaps your job is very stressful and you work long hours but then also like to be active so you go from your long day and you’re hitting the gym, cycling, riding, whatever, really hard, for a tough physical workout. This is putting more stress on your body, potentially releasing high levels of cortisol in the blood. Our systems can only process so much information before they go into overload or overwhelm and then something has to give. When our body systems are in balance then your skin should be able to clear out additional toxins and adapt to your environment. If you have had inflammation for too long, then I always suggest you seek medical advice, but I will also look at the fundamentals of your health – are the basics in place? Food, sleep, exercise - when are we eating, when are we resting, when are we allowing the body down time cycles. Are you allowing any time for your parasympathetic nervous system to kick in? If not, it will show up in the skin. The National Eczema Society has further information on its site about the impact of stress on your skin - check it out #skinconditions #skinconditionshelp #skincondition #skinandhormones #eczema #eczematriggers #acne #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #learnsomethingnew #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
What's your skin regime and why is that important?

What's your skin regime and why is that important?

Why look after you skin? For years advertisers have promoted skin and beauty regimes to women, with an abundance of products to use on our faces and bodies - from make-up wipes to anti-aging cream, products to clear and hide spots or blemishes, creams for sensitive skin – a myriad of lotions and potions. More recently, we have seen advertising to men about looking after their skin, not just around shaving but about looking after the skin post shave and moisturising – it’s a booming industry. And whilst you need to be mindful of the ingredients within the products (see my earlier blogs) looking after our skin IS important to our overall health and wellbeing….. As with everything in our bodies, there is a natural cycle to the skin. New skin cells are created approximately every 28 days (varying between 2-6 weeks depending on factors like age, hormones, health etc), so we need to remove the dead skin and a body brush can help to exfoliate. Perhaps you got burnt in the sun (tsk tsk 😉) and need to get rid of the old skin. Or perhaps you have an injury, cut or wound, so you have a scab (leave it!) and underneath that the body is regenerating and creating new skin cells. Ensuring our skin is kept in its best condition enables it to be adaptable so it can support and protect us. What is your skin regime? #skinconditions #skincondition #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
Skin and Hormones – what’s going on? What is the connection?

Skin and Hormones – what’s going on? What is the connection?

On a hot sunny day, we are advised to make sure that we protect our skin, applying sun cream, being mindful of our time in the sun and how hot it is. And this is ESSENTIAL. There are record numbers of skin cancers cases in England (just google the stats!) and having suffered myself with Skin Cancer, I cannot drive home enough the importance of protecting your skin. But how does this connect with my hormones? Remember that hormones are the chemical messengers travelling through the blood. If blood is the road, the biochemical messengers are the delivery drivers sending messages. On a bright sunny day this could be messages such as: to dilate pupils, open/close pores, sweat, sleep etc. Everything you put INTO OR ONTO your body has a hormonal impact on the body, so your sun cream, shower gel, moisturisers, deodorant etc – literally everything that you put onto your body has a chemical reaction, it creates chemical changes within the body and the body has to process that. It needs to decide “what’s coming in? what to do I need to do with it?” and then consider “Is it helpful? Or do I need to detox it?” As we absorb chemicals through our skin into the blood stream, it passes through to the liver to deal with and clears any toxins or xeno-toxins. If these aren’t cleared, we can get a build-up of xeno-oestrogen (which is the hormone that helps to plump things up). So whether it’s something we’re putting onto our skin, or it’s just in the environment, if we have an excess and our bodies are unable to clear it then it causes an imbalance which has an impact on our health and wellbeing. So it’s always important to consider what is in the product (e.g. what the ingredients are) before you slap that product onto your skin. If you suffer with Eczema or sensitive skin and want more information about finding a suitable sunscreen for your skin check out the National Eczema Society's info at #skinconditions #skinconditionshelp #skincondition #skinandhormones #whatsinyoursunscreen #eczematriggers #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #takebackcontrolofyou #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandhealing #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #learnsomethingnew #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
Getting under your skin - hydration is key!

Getting under your skin - hydration is key!

Getting under your skin Unless you are suffering with a skin condition, you probably don’t give much thought to your skin. But it’s such a versatile organ. It covers all of our body but with different textures and there is a “sensory acuity” of the skin – you wouldn’t want your feet and hands for example to be as delicate as that on your face… But why is our skin so important? Our skin is not just a protective barrier but, as part of our connective tissue system, is key in providing information about our internal and external environment. Receptors in the skin give us feedback/information about – heat, pressure, intensity, compression, ability to stretch, and inflames to trigger healing chemicals when we are injured or wounded. The ability of these receptors to send the information is dependent on the environment of the skin. Not just the first layer but the layers beneath and for this hydration is key. However, whilst a glass of water is nice and cooling on a hot day and helpful for digestion – it doesn’t mean that it’s getting through the body cellularly – particularly if you are sedentary through illness, injury or through your lifestyle – perhaps you have to sit at a desk for long periods at a time. Stretching & mechanical manipulation helps to draw in more fluids so that the integrity of the connective tissues to adapt and return to ideal homeostatic state is possible. The MELT Method is one of the tools that can help with that fluid flow., designed to hydrate the body cellularly to help all the layers glide, slide and adapt so that you can move better. I'll be talking about skin and the connective tissue later this month but if you want more info now check out my blogs and the importance of hydration #skinconditions #skincondition #healthyskin #suppleskin #skinhydration #melthmethod #connectivetissues #hydrationiskey #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton