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4U Pilates Health Hub Bones and Joint pain - lady running on beach with blue overlay

Health Hub | Bone Health, Joint Health & Connective Tissue

Your big toe's connected to your..... well quite a lot of 'you' really.....

Your big toe's connected to your..... well quite a lot of 'you' really.....

Your toe bone's connected to your.... foot bone, and your foot bone's connected to your heel bone.... and your heal bone's connect to your... ankle bone..... Do you remember that song from your early school days? If you do you're probably signing it now and I apologise for getting that one stuck in your head! But today's Video blog is about our Big Toe. Why? Well the big toe really does connect into your ankle, but it is also connected to other conditions - such as gout - and also our bodily functions. For example, our spleen, liver and stomach meridians are connected to your big toe, so this is what you eat, and your bodies ability to digest, redistribute and detox. Interesting hey? So big toes are really important to how we function - from a mechanical point of view, we have the windlass mechanism, so as you roll the feet, it lifts the arch and then pumps the blood back up the calf. BUT how do you help your big toe? Well, we can use the MELT Method and the small and large MELT balls to help maintain the alignment of the foot to get more fluid flow and calm the nervous system. But we can also use our Kinesiology knowledge, looking at all the different connected muscles to the big toe and the meridians. Helping us to 're-balance' structurally, biochemically, electrically and emotionally. Want to know more? I can help you understand more about MELT and Functional Kinesiology through my 121 coaching sessions, my July "Take Control of your Health" Workshop or **coming soon** my Functional Kinesiology Foundation Course. Oh, and if you're still singing and agonising over the lyrics - you want to google "Dem Bones" #integratedmedicine #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #integrativehealing #integrativehealthcare #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealthcoaching #integrativehealthpractioner #integrativehealthandwellness #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #complementaryhealthcare #complementarymedicine #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #touchforhealthkinesiology #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
Overcoming Injury Limitations - Regaining Your Strength and Mobility…

Overcoming Injury Limitations - Regaining Your Strength and Mobility…

Overcoming Injury Limitations Injuries and limitations - are they the same thing? NO! May be you have had an injury, a trip, a fall, and depending on the degree of impact or trauma caused to that area, the injury might limit how you use that limb/part of the body. Perhaps you've broken something and had to have it in plaster or pinned whilst the body is going through the recuperation process, so yes, there is a limitation in terms of what you are able to do and the body will likely have to compensate for a while in some way. But what's important - regardless of whether it's an injury that you've experienced, or a surgery - is to LISTEN to the body. I say it all the time whether I'm doing exercise classes or giving a Kinesiology session or massage - LISTEN to your body. What is it telling you? I use my hands and eyes to "listen" when I'm doing Kinesiology (muscle testing) or massaging. I'm looking to see what's going on with your alignment, the relationship between all the different areas of the body when you're moving that arm, when you're moving that limb. Looking or a point where the body is either compensating or more bits are moving than need to. So, how do we support the body in recovery? It's those simple life basics: Are you fed? Are you hydrated? Have you slept? How many other stressors in your life? Are there any blood sugar imbalances? Where are you in the healing/recovery journey? What are you doing to support that area of the body? All of that is important, you you are able to listen to, understand and then adapt and adjust to support your body, when you need to. Are you listening to your body? #healthjourney #wellnessjourney #wellbeing #whatisyourbodytellingyou #whatyourbodyissaying #noticeyourbodycues #UnderstandingYourBody #healthknowledge #injuryrecovery #takingcontrolofmyhealth #takecontrol #kinesiology #massagebenefits #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellness #inspiration #motivation #movebetterfeelfree #mindmusclebodyconnections #healthandwellbeingcoach #healtheducator #healtheducation #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
Pilates and moving with chronic pain

Pilates and moving with chronic pain

How does Pilates help with Chronic Pain? Pilates works on the musculoskeletal system and looks at alignment, breathing, core stability, flexibility, co-ordination, concentration and centring. Pilates sessions can increase an awareness of your alignment in static (standing, sitting or lying) and dynamic (moving) postures. When working with Chronic Pain, exercises are adapted, regressing or progressing them to gain stability, mobility and ease of movement. When MELT Method practices are added to the session, the benefits of Pilates are enhanced. (Find out more about the MELT Method and our classes at Paying attention to how you move, and where you are moving from, is important in helping to re-establish optimum movement patterns. We have blogged more about this in our Wellness Wednesday post - why correct repetition of an action is important - Small and large Pilates equipment (like our reformers) and resistance can be used to enhance Pilates sessions. For people suffering with chronic pain the reformer helps to support rehabilitation whilst building strength. In this short video we show how the reformer can be used for this purpose. Book your 121 with Zoisa - #chronicpainrelief #chronicpain #ChronicPain #chronicpainhelp #chronicpainrelief #chronicpain #ChronicPain #chronicpainhelp #pilatesforpainrelief #pilatesforpainrelease #pilatesforpainmanagement #backpainreliefexercises #backpainrelief #backpainpilates #pilatesforpainfreemovement #pilates #pilatesonlineclasses #touchforhealth #touchforhealthkinesiology #selfcarehealthcare #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #complementaryhealthcare #healtheducation #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree 4u Pilates & Wellbeing Based in Wells and Somerton Online classes and training
Overload, overwhelm and creating balance… Your connective tissue system and Movement...

Overload, overwhelm and creating balance… Your connective tissue system and Movement...

👉Do you RECOGNISE the early warning signs that your systems are overloaded, overwhelmed and out of balance? 👉Are you trying to FIT INTO a framework that doesn’t work for you? 👉Can you IDENTIFY which of the 4 body systems needs support? The health industry has started a shift towards "whole person health" which means instead of treating symptoms of ill health in isolation, the industry is starting to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of health to understand cause and effect, which is fantastic to see. However, often people are still only looking at 'whole person health' within one dimension e.g. nutrition, homeopathy. My integrated approach goes further, looking at the whole person health both within themselves and within their environment, so not just you as an individual, but the influence on your health and wellbeing through influences in your immediate community - work, family, groups - and also your actual physical environment. With my approach, this bigger picture view starts with our four body systems - our brain, heart, gut and connective tissue. We are individuals with different bioidentities. When we are ‘healthy’ all of our systems are in sync and in balance – like a little community of people working together. Whilst there is a natural ebb and flow to our systems it is important to know and understand YOUR system and how they interrelate and work together. So this month I'm going to invite you on a journey to discover your 4 systems, identify where support is needed and ways to how to put that into action. Today I am looking at the CONNECTIVE TISSUE system, which is linked to the 'Movement' Pillar of my integrated health view. When this system is out of balance, symptoms include: ~ Aches & Pains ~ Poor alignment, posture ~ Reduced range of motion, strength & stability ~ Injuries, surgery, scars soft tissue damage, fractures ~ Excess tension, compression, reduced joint space ~ Loss of connective tissue hydration and integrity Actions to take: ~ Drink water ~ Reduce stress, ~ Balance your blood sugars by eating balanced PFC at every meal. ~ Practice Mindfulness - breathing exercises, mediation, yoga Follow me next week to learn more...... #emotionalhealth #overwhelm #makethatchange #emotionalhealthcoach #emotionalhealthgoals #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalhealthandwellbeing #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integrativehealthcare #integratedhealthcoach #integrativehealthcoaching #integrativehealthpractioner #integrativehealthandwellness #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
Integrated health - it's all connected! Zoisa Holder explains...

Integrated health - it's all connected! Zoisa Holder explains...

In this short video I try to give you a whistle stop tour into Kinesiology and integrated health. To demonstrate it, I’m going to look in particular at our pectoral muscles (which is connected to our sternum and also our rhomboids - at the back deep between the shoulder blades. At times you may find movement restricted as you reach press or pull either by tension or pain. And the really interesting thing about those two muscles is they're actually connected to the liver….. Our liver’s job is to clear out all the toxins. So that pain or restriction in your pecs or rhomboids could be coming from an imbalance in your liver meridian. And when you apply Chinese Medicine knowledge (which we do in Kinesiology), we learn that the liver is active between 1 and 3 am, so if you’re constantly waking between those hours, I would be interested and curious to find out what’s going on with your Liver Meridian. Further, applying TCM knowledge of elemental connections - that's wood, water, earth, fire, metal - we can learn more about the emotions and energies that the liver (and by extension the pain in your pecs or rhomboids) might be connected to….. Intrigued? Check out my Functional Foundation Kinesiology Course or follow me on social to learn more. #mindmusclebodyconnections #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #kinesiologycourse #takingcontrolofyourhealth #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
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