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Writer's pictureZoisa Holder

The Brain System and our skin: signs of system overwhelm

Updated: Apr 22

You are probably thinking brain and skin?! WHAT IS the connection there?

You may [or may not] be aware that when we sleep, the brain uses this time to file, filter and store new information, but most importantly clear out any toxic waste. A team of US researchers completing a sleep study identified that when asleep, our cells actually shrink, opening gaps between neurons and allowing fluid to wash the brain clean! But what if you’re not giving it the opportunity to do that? What if you aren't getting enough sleep? What happens to the excess toxicity in the system?

Sleep disorders and inflammatory skin conditions ARE connected

There are a number of ways that this can be seen in our skin - for example, dark circles underneath the eyes; dry, more dehydrated skin; or blemishes/spots appearing.

Science is now confirming the connection between poor sleep and skin conditions, according to Dermatology Times "Several dermatologic conditions ARE associated with sleep disturbances and disorders, including atopic dermatitis (AD) and psoriasis" and an article (reviewed by Dr Gary Gonzalez) in Life Extensions Magazine reported "Numerous studies have established that stress-induced sleep debt (insomnia) can dramatically impair skin function and integrity. In addition to inducing such inflammatory skin conditions as eczema and psoriasis, sleep deprivation can exacerbate both allergic and irritant contact dermatitis."

And many of us DO suffer with poor sleep and aren't allowing the brain time to clear these toxins fully.

Insomnia (difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning) affects around 1 in 3 people in the UK (NHS inform) and women aged 45-54 struggle the most. Unsurprising perhaps, as this is naturally a time when hormones are fluctuating, due to perimenopause and menopause, causing hot flushes, night sweats and increased anxiety levels.

Furthermore, if you aren't getting enough rest and relaxation, you will also notice that as the brain becomes overwhelmed or overloaded, it's ability to process all the information coming through and react is slower. You are more likely to trip, fall, hit, bang or generally injure yourself, resulting in bruises, cuts and wounds that with extended stress on the body systems will take longer to heal.

For more info on the brain-sleep connection check out my blog posts:

If you want help with a sleep, skin or stress condition, functional kinesiology could help.

Sessions are available at my Wells and Somerton Studios:

Alternatively, if you would like to try a 'taster' session, you can book a 121 30 min session or come along to one of my Functional Kinesiology Clinic Days.


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