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Writer's pictureZoisa Holder

Overload, overwhelm and creating balance…

Updated: Apr 22

...Your connective tissue system and Movement...

  • Do you RECOGNISE the early warning signs that your systems are overloaded, overwhelmed and out of balance?

  • Are you trying to FIT INTO a framework that doesn’t work for you?

  • Can you IDENTIFY which of the 4 body systems needs support?

'Whole person health' - to a fully integrated view of 'Whole Health'

The health industry has started a shift towards "whole person health" which means instead of treating symptoms of ill health in isolation, the industry is starting to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of health to understand cause and effect, which is fantastic to see. However, often people are still only looking at 'whole person health' within one dimension e.g. nutrition, homeopathy.

My integrated approach goes further, looking at the whole person health both within themselves and within their environment, so not just you as an individual, but the influence on your health and wellbeing through influences in your immediate community - work, family, groups - and also your actual physical environment.

With my approach, this bigger picture view starts with our four body systems - our brain, heart, gut and connective tissue. We are individuals with different bioidentities.

When we are ‘healthy’ all of our systems are in sync and in balance – like a little community of people working together. Whilst there is a natural ebb and flow to our systems it is important to know and understand YOUR system and how they interrelate and work together.

Over the next four blogs, I'm going to invite you on a journey to discover your 4 systems, identify where support is needed and ways to how to put that into action.

The connective tissue system

In this video, I am looking at the CONNECTIVE TISSUE system, which is linked to the 'Movement' Pillar of my integrated health view.

When this system is out of balance, symptoms include:

~ Aches & Pains

~ Poor alignment, posture

~ Reduced range of motion, strength & stability

~ Injuries, surgery, scars soft tissue damage, fractures

~ Excess tension, compression, reduced joint space

~ Loss of connective tissue hydration and integrity

What action can you take when your connective tissue system is out of balance?

  • Drink water

  • Reduce stress

  • Balance blood sugars by eating balanced PFC at every meal.

  • Consider doing Mindfulness exercises such as breathing, being present, mediation.

Follow me next week to learn more about the Gut system which relates to Energy

OR: Book a consultation slot with me at Wells, Somerton or Online


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