Zoisa Holder

Oct 30, 20192 min

Growth Mindset: how to form more positive routines and habits

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

What is a growth mindset? And how can it be achieved? That’s what we’re discussing on the blog today.

As part of the 4U Pilates 6-Week Courses, we cover both movement and agility, as well as a holistic approach to the mind and body. With both being so interconnected, it’s important to address your mindset when working on your physical health too.


A growth mindset is a mental state where you recognise your ability to learn and develop abilities over time. It values the following traits:

  • Effort

  • Time investment

  • Openness

  • Self-improvement

  • Determination

  • Dedication

  • Perseverance

Conversely, a fixed mindset is one which views abilities and intelligence as a constant, and something which cannot be changed.

The benefits of a growth mindset are many, including a view to being able to improve at an activity no matter your current competency. It can enable you to try new things, persevere with difficult tasks, and reward yourself for your efforts, rather than your outcomes.


Adopting a growth mindset can also give you the possibility to work on your mental and physical health in a way that a fixed mindset might not.

4U Pilates Founder, Zoisa Holder, believes that “forming new habits in your midlife can reduce burnout, depression, anxiety, brain fog, exhaustion, fatigue and aching muscles and joints, deal with hormonal changes”.

When we create routines and habits with a growth mindset, the benefits of those activities feel more productive and purposeful. You can look over your efforts and feel proud, even if there’s no noticeable improvement. Instead, it’s about the practice, and the commitment you have made to yourself.

This is key for pilates, and all our movement courses. It’s also a supportive step when entering the mid-life, where changes in our minds and bodies may surprise us or hold us back. During the mid-life phase we face increasing demands and responsibilities. Our ability to manage this phase is put under further strain due to decreasing hormones.

Being comfortable with your efforts, and able to deal with challenges, can benefit how well we experience this life phase, and stay connected and healthy in our bodies.

If you’d like to learn more, feel free to contact Zoisa Holder